I got a first guys!

As you may or may not know, this blog was created as part of my University coursework. If ya’ll were wondering what  mark I was given, I got 70% (which is a first class grade mark) for it. I intend to keep the blog updated with new releases – so don’t go anywhere!

Thank you so much for following!


As per new blog, this post is a welcome!

This blog is being constructed as part of my MAC114 – Introduction to Social Media module at Sunderland University.

It will be a gallery of contemporary film reviews that you’ll hopefully enjoy. If you do (or even if you don’t) feel free to comment on posts, tweet me @emmalaing or link me to your own page!

For more information, use the navigation bar to find out contact details or more about the blog. Alternatively, the search bar and tag clouds to the right of the screen will take you wherever you want to go.

Stick around!